March 14, 2010

Owl City Concert in Trinoma: Prologue & Epilogue

One morning, a couple of weeks ago, my 6 year old daughter came up to me and asked me if she could watch a concert. I was shocked! Do 6 year old kids even know what a concert is?!? Is this how advanced kids these days are?!?

As calmly as I could, I asked her who she wanted to watch. "Owl City," she replied. I asked her when and where it will be held. "Sunday in Trinoma," she answered. I don't even know how she found out about the concert. I didn't bother to ask anymore.

I told DH what the youngest daughter requested for. DH was nonchalant.

Or so I thought.

Apparently, he surfed the internet and looked up the event organizer. And then he made some calls. And voila! DH got us 5 complimentary tickets to the concert.

Fast track to today. My daughter was all ready to go by 5pm. We told her the concert wouldn't be 'til 8pm. And I don't know how to say this, she even curled her hair for the show. ( Well of course her older sister did the curling with an iron, but it was the 6 year old kid's idea.) She was all smiles and was giddy with excitement.

Unfortunately, I couldn't upload a video of her enjoying the concert (either my file is too heavy or my internet connection is bad). When "Fireflies" was played, she also sang with the crowd.

To sum it all up, she had a blast!

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