July 29, 2010

Quick Baguio Getaway

Left the hustle and bustle of Manila for a quick getaway with the hope that the high altitude would clear my mind. 

On a somewhat spur of the moment thing, HB and I boarded a Victory Liner bus last Thursday at 10pm. The bus ride was comfortable, albeit very very cold. Seasoned bus riders had bonnets on to protect their head from the aircon draft and pulled down to cover their eyes while they slept. Others had blankets. (We took a mental note so we'll know what to bring and do next time.) The trip had a couple of 15-minute stopovers, the first one in Tarlac City and the second one in Sison, Pangasinan. We arrived at the City of Pines at a little past 4:am on Friday. 

We grabbed some snacks at a 7-11 convenience store across the bus terminal then boarded an FX taxi to get to our abode in Camp 7 in Kennon Road. There, we dozed off until about 10am. Then, we headed out to Session Road to grab lunch at a local food joint called Solibao Restaurant.

Solibao Restaurant along Session Road

HB took to the task of ordering our food. After about 10 minutes, a bowl of sinigang na bagnet was placed in front of us.

Sinigang na Bagnet

perfect pair of steamed rice and sinigang

I was impressed that this traditional Filipino dish was served with a twist and it came out well. The warm broth comforted our grumbling tummies. Paired with steaming hot rice, the meal was just perfect for the cold and rainy Baguio weather. 

In high spirits, we trudged on in the rain and headed up Session Road, pausing every now and then to take pictures. We proceeded to SM and couldn't resist a peek at the view deck.

The Burnham Park as viewed from SM's view deck

We then proceeded to the grocery to purchase supplies. Not quite satisfied, our buying spree continued on to the Baguio Public Market to get the usual pasalubong stuff for my girls. 

For dinner, HB prepared a nice meal of medium well steak with fresh button mushrooms and young corn.

perfect Baguio dinner

To cap the evening, we sat in front of this:

The following day, we explored the market once again to buy fresh vegetables and flowers to bring home.

going up the Hilltop

fresh tomatoes at unbelievable prices

fresh lettuce

HB choosing veggies



brooms galore

We went back to our place for brunch. It was time to prepare our bags.

our refuge for 1 night and 2 days

We took the Victory Liner bus which left Baguio at 12:20pm. We got home to the welcoming arms of our girly girls at 7pm.

Refreshed and recharged, HB remarked that we should do this again as it was easy and convenient. I was glad that he finally understood my passion for Baguio's laid-back nature. Now he knows why I crave for Baguio's refuge of mountains and pine trees when I feel troubled with the chaos and stress of city life. With a clear mind and renewed spirit gleaned from this trip, I think I'm ready to take on a few more challenges that may be thrown my way.

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