July 26, 2010

Sun Moon Restaurant

Date of Visit: July 20, 2010

Last week, HB and I had a quick lunch at Sun Moon Chinese Restaurant along Annapolis Street in Greenhills.

Sun Moon Restaurant interior

Contrary to other typical Chinese Restaurants, Sun Moon's patrons are mostly the quiet Chinese businessmen who hold their meetings over delicious and authentic Chinese food. But still, even with this type of clients, food prices are quite reasonable.
We ordered Lechon Kawali nestled in greens (this is short of saying I don't know what the veggies are called).

sinful lechon kawali balanced with the greens

We also got black gulaman which we found too bland. I had to ask for more syrup to make it more palatable for my taste.

black gulaman

With steamed rice and the drinks, our total bill came out to be less than 500 bucks. Now this may be called value for money.

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