September 7, 2010

I Heart UPLB

I could not pass up on the chance to be in UP Los Banos once again... so when HB's football team got an invitation to join the Upsilon Cup about 3 weeks ago, we immediately planned a "family picnic" as I was quite excited to show "the school where mommy and daddy met" to our girly girls. =D

But perhaps the stars conspired and it was just Fiona and I who were able to go. 

While HB and his teammates were settling in for the tournament, our mother and daughter tandem drove around the campus and I happily pointed out the various buildings:

the former UP Rural High School building 

UPLB Oblation

College of Arts and Sciences Building

UPLB Library

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Agriculture (SEARCA) Building

Baker Hall - this was where we had our P.E. classes. 
This building dates back to the Japanese era ... lots of ghost stories ;)

giant acacia tree
(which was infamously called the "fertility tree" during our time, major LOL)

My daughter gamely posed for me and we cherished our solo time together.

future Iskolar ng Bayan ;)

my little miss kenkay

Going around the UP Los Banos campus brought back fun, fun, fun memories of the good and carefree high school and college days. While I noticed that there have been a lot of changes, it all still looked the same (I hope you get my drift ;D).

I am at a loss of words for the feelings evoked by nostalgia... all I can say is that it felt great to be back!

Fiona with UPLB's most beloved tree in the background

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