October 23, 2010

Discovering Dumaguete - Part 2 - Breakfast at South Sea Resort

The following morning, we were greeted with overcast skies and sporadic rain showers. It was dark and gloomy when we went outside to have breakfast at the resort's restaurant by the sea.

South Sea Resort's seaside restaurant

the dining area

While waiting for our food, I couldn't help but go around to take some snapshots:

Poolside Rooms

And I felt lucky to capture this:

PAL plane about to land at the nearby airport and a yacht

Our food arrived after a few minutes. We noticed that the breakfast was on the pricey side at Php 220 per plate. The breakfast set came with a choice of drink (coffee or juice) and fresh fruit for dessert.

Chicken Adobo

Chorizo (sausage)

There was nothing really special about the food but I liked my sausages as they were garlic-ky. HB didn't say much about his adobo.

I also observed that the resort had clearly seen better days. It was a sprawling property and we had to walk 5 minutes from the reception area to get to our room, and about 2 minutes from the reception area to the  breakfast area. The quality of service do need improvement but the gentle ways of the staff and their pleasing demeanor more than made up for the lack of efficiency. This was a laid back city, after all.

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