October 27, 2010

Remembering Bacolod's Fine Scallops

In my previous trips to Bacolod, I fell in love with the scallops which we devoured upon the recommendation of my 'in-laws'. Since then, I constantly craved for it and would search for that particular kind in the markets back here in Manila.

Last Saturday, I chanced upon those same scallops sold in Farmer's Market and they were at PhP 350 a kilo! But my mouth already watered from the memory of its taste and I asked HB if he could duplicate the way it was cooked in Pala-pala in Bacolod.

Scallops in Buttered Lemon Sauce from Hyksos Tulahan in Bacolod 

Here is HB's version:

HB's version of the Buttered Lemon Scallops

Hmmmm ... not quite the exact way it was cooked but nonetheless I savored every morsel. HB needs one more batch to get it right ... or perhaps, it's time to go back to Bacolod?


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