January 9, 2011

A Baby No More

Fifteen years ago today, I welcomed a tiny baby into this world for the first time. A few moments after I first heard her cry out loud, she was put into my bosom and she stared at me with those little almond-shaped eyes and I couldn't help but shed tears of joy ... for she is ours to love, cherish and care for.

Fifteen years later, all we still do is love, cherish and care for her as she grows and soars into her own. She sure can be hard-headed and obstinate and she sure does test our patience's limits, but we are mostly proud of how she is at school and with her younger sisters and her friends. 

To my firstborn baby who is fast becoming a lady, Happy Birthday! And remember that your Dad, sisters and I will always be around to love, cherish and care for you.

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