August 25, 2011

Yours Truly For ArtPetron

A few months back, I received an email inquiring about a photo that I shot on the Baguio-Aritao Road which was posted on my Flickr album.

Her name was Laica and she worked for Studio 5 Designs. She said that they were interested to use it for a project. When I asked her, she told me that they wanted to use my photo for a poster and application form for ArtPetron, a National Art Student Competition, sponsored by no less than Petron, one of our country's biggest player in the oil industry. 

From the contest's application form, I gathered this much:

Everyone’s Vision Petron is an exhibition and competition for all young and budding artists.   
... Petron believe(s) that free artistic expression remains intrinsic to nation-building. We support the Filipino artist’s unique vision and dynamic translations of Philippine culture through various forms of art that draw fellow Filipinos closer to their heritage and ultimately, to everyone. 
Petron believes that everyone has their own unique perspective on things and that this uniqueness can be expressed in so many different ways. That is why we created Everyone’s Vision Petron.
Everyone’s Vision Petron is a competition for photographers, painters, and designers. It is also a venue for filmmakers, musicians, performance artists, art enthusiasts, and all Filipinos to converge and be one through their shared love for Philippine art and culture.

To cut my story short, I sent my raw files to her. I was offered a "small token" but I honestly didn't know how much to ask (sheesh!), so I only asked for a photo credit (double sheesh!!) And then I didn't hear from her anymore and I was too shy to follow up on the mentioned token. 

About a week ago, HB randomly "googled" my name and there appeared a link to the application form of this year's ArtPetron contest. They used my photo after all!

my photo as it appeared on ArtPetron's Application Form 

Albeit, my name appears sooo small, I am honored to be credited for a picture that I shot doing one of the things I most love to do, which is travel. The photos I take during travel are aimed at capturing the glory of an experience or a moment that will be etched in my mind. This now prods me to explore and traverse more paths. More precious memories are yet to be made on my future journeys.

This honor is but an icing on the cake. 

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