September 5, 2011

The Baguio Country Club

The last long weekend was special for us because of HB's 41st birthday. We braved the rains and the fog and traveled to the City of Pines with HB's brother and his family. They extended their privilege of staying at the EDC Staff House which was located atop a hill fronting the Baguio Country Club. As officers of the Energy Development Corp., my brother-in-law and his wife also had rights to use the club's facilities, which they generously extended to us as well.

We spent the afternoon of HB's natal day inside Baguio's oldest and exclusive Club. 

entrance to the Baguio Country Club

such a foggy day

the birthday boy

While HB and I both had previous chances to go and stay inside the BCC, it was our girls' first time to enter. Together with their cousin, they spent quite some time in the game room and tried out their skills in table tennis and darts. When they grew tired, we all promptly moved to the pastry shop which was located near the entrance of the hotel. The wide glass windows of the dining area gave us a great view of the pine trees amidst the fog. 

filling in our sweet tooth with cakes and keeping warm with hot chocolate in The Raisin Bread Shop

The Baguio Country Club's Pastry Shop is called The Raisin Bread Shop, so named after the Club's famous Raisin Bread. I have always been a fan of the BCC's Banana Bread and Raisin Bread. I have brought home these treats as pasalubong. But for HB's tea party, we tried out the pastry shop's other offerings.

French Apple Pie

a slice of Blueberry Cheesecake with a candle to blow for HB

Sadly, the cakes were not as good as their breads. I wonder if these are actually churned by the same staff who make the breads. The apple pie crumbled when sliced and served on a plate. It was actually a little on the bland side for me and did not totally satisfy my sweet tooth. The cheesecake filling was also a disappointment. While it was firm, it lacked thickness. 

Nonetheless, the kids were refueled with some sugar rush and went down again to the recreation room. This time around, they tried their hand at the Wii station.

jamming with the rock band, HB will always be a kid at heart

As I posted on HB's wall on Facebook, I wished him unlimited blessings along with the unlimited rains which continually pelted us during our entire stay in Baguio. It may have been a quiet celebration under gloomy weather, but the presence of family and a quick jaunt at the elite Baguio Country Club made it a (hopefully) great time for my beloved HB.

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