January 2, 2012

Monday Inspiration

It's the first Monday of 2012!!! 

The Holidays are officially over and it's back to work for me. To start off the week positively, every Monday, I will be posting inspiring thoughts or just about any mundane stuff.

As my very first Monday Inspiration, I'd like to share this:

photo credit

Pinterest led me here, a wonderful and inspiring site by Monica Wright. It is a site about scrap booking which was a passion of mine about a decade ago. I got into the craft of scrap booking a year after I had given birth to my second daughter and my first one was starting her Kindergarten years. I made albums but also left a lot of unfinished ones because it was an expensive hobby - with photos to develop and all that hype about choosing acid and lignin-free materials which were mostly imported and costly. With a family just starting out, there were more important priorities for our limited resources. So I shelved my projects. And then I started working again and as they say, life took over. But through all these years, I yearned to be able to find time to make pages which chronicle the growing up years of my girls and showcase our family travels. I was able to finish one for our first family trip to Boracay back in 2007, but that was it. Even with the advent of digital scrapbooks, I have secretly yearned to de-stress by cutting, pasting and making page lay outs. Like reading with Kindle vs. physically flipping book pages. Over the years, I continued to purchase scrap book materials which became available in our local bookstores, hoping for the day I would have time to sit down and "create".

Last week, I found a notebook which would become my scrap journal of all things I am grateful for.

Now I will find time to do it. One page at a time. My project for the year. A gratitude each day. 

"This journal will be an exercise in becoming aware of, and recognize, all the joys 
and blessings in my life. And to be thankful for them." - Monica Wright

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