February 11, 2012

Letter To God

Dear God,

Twelve years ago today, You blessed us with a pretty tiny baby. As a symbol of our steadfast faith in You, we named her Zoe Ysabel which mean "gift" and "from God." Her first year of life was a very difficult time for us but we held strong  and with Your guidance, You led us to the right doctors and You provided us with the means to have her heart operated when she was seven months old. To this day, she is living proof that You work wonders for us all. 

She was, still is, and will continue to be my "brave little one" and the lullaby which I used to sing to her comes back to mind. Even after those trying times, I continue to carry these words for her in my heart.

Always keep a little pray'r in your pocket,
and you're sure to see the light
Soon there'll be joy and happiness
And your little world will be bright.

Have faith little one
Til your hopes and your wishes come true
You must try to be brave little one
Someone's waiting to love you.

May You keep her in Your protective arms at all times as she continues to grow up. May You also continue to make our mornings cheerful and bright with our daughter's daily smile as this serves as our reminder of Your unfailing love. Please grant her heart's desires and make her birthday as special as she is to us.



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