February 13, 2012

Much Love Monday

I'm joining this love bandwagon of starting the week with positivism courtesy of The Guiltless Reader's blog and MuchLove-Anna. The latter's blog started it all by inviting anyone to "simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love."

photo credits: here and here

Rainy days and Mondays don't get me down when I've got a good book and I am surrounded by my two younger daughters' happy chatter. I am loving and treasuring this moment now.

Say 'No to Monday Blues', highlight your current love/s and click on the button below:


  1. That sounds like a perfect moment! Happy Much Love Monday. :)
    Catherine Denton

  2. Beautiful things to treasure - Happy Monday to you :)

  3. Hi Catherine and Katerina,
    Happy Monday to you both! Thanks for dropping by ... I'm heading over to your blogs soon :D

  4. What a nifty heart photo! I look at books every day, but it had never occurred to me that they all have hearts within their pages! ;) Happy Much Love Monday!

  5. Thanks for hopping over e'clair! Books do harbor love in between pages :)

  6. That sounds like a beautiful way to start your week off right.
    I love the photo by the way. How can you resist kitty love.
    Hope you have a brilliant week.

  7. glad that you joined in, isn't this a great way to start the week? :P it always amazes me how much great stuff is happening in the world and yet there's a general sense of monday blues ...

  8. Crystal, I just have to make these moments count :)

    Aloi, this sure is a cool way to ward off those Monday blues :D


Do drop a line. Your comments make me happy :D