February 21, 2012

Much Love Monday

(Ooops, I forgot to post this yesterday.)

photo credits: here and here

Lots and lots of love went around last week with all the hoopla surrounding Valentine's Day. Thanks to the Much Love Monday bandwagon, the love continues to go around even after February 14. Kudos to this cool group!

What I'm loving now:

The revamped look of this blog. I changed my header as I was inspired by the vintage banner from Free Pretty Things For You. I hopped on to Shabby Blogs for some buttons too. There's also less clutter on the right column and I made new tabs below the header. I'm still not completely done yet though, a few more changes will be added over the next few days.

What I'm absolutely loving now:

The ring given by the hubby last February 14! To this day, I am still speechless.

                                                     Say 'No to Monday Blues' with:


  1. Wow, that is a gorgeous ring! Lucky you.


  2. Thank you so much, Loulou! I dared ask, practically begged and waited 4 years for that ring ;) Well worth it, I must say.


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