February 27, 2012

Much Love Monday

The great heavens must have known my love for pink and blessed me with three girls so that I may continue to indulge with anything and everything about my favorite color. And while my two older daughters have outgrown their pink-and-girly phases, my littlest daughter continues to fuel my passion for pink. Here she is, clad in her ballet 'uniform', and there's a tiny heart smack in the upper middle of her leotard :)

Right this moment, I am loving the thought of summer! The heat is upon us on this part of the globe and with this come a tad of plans:

  • School ends in a few more weeks and there are plans for summer classes for the girls. The eldest kid will continue with her Taekwondo training and I'm hoping daughter #2 gets into it as well. Daughter #3 will go on with her ballet classes. With much encouragement from her current ballet teacher, I'm thinking of putting her in a more serious school for more proper training.  
  • To alleviate the heat and to celebrate the end of classes, we have made plans for a getaway on the beaches of Puerto Galera in Mindoro Oriental on the last weekend of March. Although still about a month away, I am so looking forward to just chilling on the fine sand. I am also excited to do a bit of trekking to get to the cove where we can snorkel and feed some colorful fish.
  • In May, there are also plans to make a trip to Baguio, our country's "Summer Capital". The hubby's side of the family are planning to get together in the "City of Pines" for a wonderful respite from the heat. This will be a happy time as well to see my girls bond with their cousins.

Yes, vacations are already foremost on my mind. These plans serve to motivate me to go through the daily work grind so that we may have the means for these little luxuries.

What are you loving now? Shake away those Monday blues with 


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