February 26, 2012

(Not So) Fancy Crepes

Last Friday night, we took out our girls after dinner for some dessert at Fancy Crepes along Matalino Street in Quezon City.

Our order came after a few minutes of waiting. The crepes were topped with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. The fancy plating and scribbling of our girls' names using chocolate syrup brought a smile to our faces.

Nuts Over Nutella Crepe

Mango Madness

All five of us shared the two crepes. Naturally, the crepes were demolished in a little more than 60 seconds. I asked the girls if they wanted more but Daughter #1 had already formulated her own review. The crepes were not too fancy for her taste at all. She opined that she had better-tasting crepes at much more affordable prices. Daughters #2 and #3 readily agreed. (Such discerning palates at such young ages! Tsk. Tsk.

That didn't stop us from having a good time though. In between spoonfuls, we exchanged silly jokes and stories. It was a perfect start to the weekend. We ought to make this Friday nightcap a ritual from now on.

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