March 4, 2012

Our M/V Logos Hope Experience

The M/V Logos Hope, touted as the world's largest floating book fair, is currently docked in Pier 15 at the Manila South Harbor.

Yesterday's family bonding activity was centered on our love for books. We caught the book fair on its last few days of berth here in Manila. Our two youngest girls got in for free while the rest of us paid the requisite 20 bucks entrance fee. Once inside, we were ushered into a briefing area where we sat and viewed an informative short video about the MV Logos Hope's journey and mission of "bringing knowledge, help and hope."

Right across the briefing area, a display wall of photographs and timeline could be found.

Inside, the books were arranged by category. The books may be purchased and were tagged in "units." One unit is equivalent to one Peso.

Pardon me for the lack of photos on the ship's layout and the exhibit of books. There was quite a number of people, I had to take out my fan on one hand and my other hand had to hold onto my youngest daughter for fear of losing her in the crowd.  She was so giddy with the selection of children's books. We spent about an hour poring over the various titles. It was just too bad that the ship's airconditioning system was not enough  due to the sheer volume of people inside. Nevertheless, I was impressed at the number of people who were flocked to the ship. The crowd was a mixture of book enthusiasts and the curious.

Unfortunately too, the hubby, who is asthmatic and allergic to dust, sneezed about a dozen times and had watery eyes from the musty smell of the books. But that didn't stop us from filling our basket with our finds. He volunteered to fall in line at the cashier to distance himself from the dust.

After paying for our books, the girls sat down for a "magic show" by one of the ship's crew. 

Right before exiting the ship, we saw this wall of Post-Its filled with messages of hope ...

... and a world map which chronicled the MV Logos Hope's destinations.

It was well dark by the time we got out of the ship. While the older girls pestered their dad about dinner, the littlest one just had to ask: "Mom, are they coming back next year?" I need not ask if she had a good time.

The MV Logos Hope will be docked in Manila until the 13th of March. It will then proceed to Subic from March 15 to April 8, 2012. Entrance fee is PhP 20 but children aged 12 and below may enter for free, provided that they are accompanied by an adult. The ship is open to the public from Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and on Sundays from 1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The fair is closed on Mondays. (source)

And oh, by the way, we went home with these:


  1. wow, what a great experience! it really is a wonderful literacy project - i'm glad they had some programmming alongside the bookstore side of things.

    how much did your books cost? what great finds!

  2. Yes Aloi, it was :D Hmm, the 3 McGraw Hill reference books cost 500, while the first 4 books were 150, 200, 100 and 250. Spent a total of 1,200 for all 7 books - while that amount would have just fetched me 1 coffee table book at a regular bookstore.
    Am looking forward to your post on this should the ship sail to your part of the globe :)


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