April 14, 2012

Precious Moments

Ooops, been quiet for quite some time. As they say, life got a little busy and took over. The past couple of weeks were filled with work and mommy duties. Allow me to recap  the noteworthy events and activities which transpired.

While most families spent the holidays out of the metro, we stayed home during the Lenten Holidays, except for an overnight trip to Talisay in Batangas last Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. HB's side of the family gathered together and celebrated the graduation of a nephew and 3 nieces, including our own Trish who graduated from high schoolIt was a joy to see the cousins bond together.

That overnight trip was capped with a 45-minute boat ride to Taal Island and a simple but wonderful lunch hosted by our very kind and generous family friends from Talisay. I truly appreciated the fresh breeze, the serenity and the simplicity of nature. The trip was quite a nice breather from the grueling hustle and bustle of the city life. 

The rest of the holidays were quietly spent at home. I caught up on some much needed zzzzzzs. Plans to tinker around the house and organize were shelved as my body needed to recharge. I figured that I could live with the happy chaos that continuously rules our home.

Easter blessed me with an  iPad 2 - to the delight of all my girls. I swear that I barely held my newest gadget for they went gaga over Instagram and Temple Run. I, on the other hand, love Flipbook. (While I have downloaded a number of other Apps, I have yet to utilize the iPad for blogging. Right now, I am still typing away on my old and badly battered netbook.)

Another Easter Blessing that came our family's way was our youngest daughter's "special award" in school. She received a certificate for "being the Outstanding Member of the Story Telling Club," for spontaneously weaving a story about an elephant chef out of some pictures that were provided during one club activity.

The past week also saw the same kid start her summer classes at the Halili-Cruz School of Ballet. Luckily, in spite of a busy work day and in between meetings, I managed to drive her and pick her up on the first day of her ballet class. 

Indeed, memories were made. The days flew by like a whirlwind and I am aware that it will continue to do so. Again, as they say, life goes on and more precious moments are to be made and there would be more to be thankful for.

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