July 23, 2012

The Other Side of Boracay

I had mixed feelings when I read recently that Boracay was named as the top beach destination by the Travel + Leisure Magazine. Having just visited the island a couple of weeks ago for a 3-day business trip, I was actually disappointed when I saw the stretch of Stations 1 to 3 now fully dotted with commercial establishments and teeming with quite a number of tourists on what is supposedly an off-peak season. While this is a boon for our travel industry and local business owners, it dampened my soul a bit as I looked forward to a less crowded island in July.

Luckily, we were billeted at the Sol Marina Boracay Resort located in Baling-hai Beach in the northwestern portion of the island. This was the former Club Panoly Resort and the property is now owned and managed by the same company which owns Zest Air. Already, plans are underway to build a 500-room structure to maximize the vast property.

With the elite and classy Shangrila Resort as its neighbor, the resort's beach cove remains pristine and exclusive. And this for me is what Boracay is all about. 

I felt like I was transported to paradise when I saw the wide expanse of sand still unencumbered with commercial developments. I hope that this remains as it is for travelers like me who enjoy nature's undisturbed glory. There were moments when I had this whole unspoiled beach all to myself and those were pure bliss.

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