March 19, 2010

Honda Bay Island Hopping

Coming back from Palawan is now making me nostalgic about our family vacation last year. Allow me to make a very belated post about that trip as I found this narration (written in February 9, 2009) in my multiply account which is still tagged as a draft.

I'm another year older and to celebrate, our whole family hied off to Palawan. Thanks to Cebu Pacific Airline's promo fares, we were able to book our flights last October for only P6,000 for all five of us. More internet surfing made us decide to book our accommodations at Niko's Cabanas - tagged as the #1 resort on Making and confirming our reservations were all done thru e-mail. Our reservation was done with about a month to spare for our much-awaited 3 days and 2 nights vacation.

our room at Niko's Cabanas

Upon landing at the Puerto Princesa airport yesterday, we immediately noticed the overcast skies. Nonetheless, we were determined to go island-hopping in Honda Bay. After checking in at the resort, we ordered brunch and ate at around 11.

bulalo and sizzling spare ribs

The girls took a very quick nap and we were on our way to Honda Bay Wharf by 12:30 p.m. We rented a boat for P1,500 and the boatmen were eager to point out Luli (for "lulubog-lilitaw") Island:

and Pandan Island:

With the cloudy skies, our boat ride was like a roller coaster ride as the waves were huge. The girls were scared and excited at the same time. We first docked in Starfish Island and the girls were very awed to touch the live starfish.

Our next stop was Snake Island.

Even with the strong waves, the girls had a grand time feeding the colorful fishes with bread. After snacking and resting briefly, we hopped on the boat once more and headed back to Luli Island. By the time we reached the island, the girls were asleep on the boat, no doubt lulled by the waves. We then decided to call it quits for the island hopping and returned to the wharf. After a quick tricycle ride , we were back in Niko's.

Our planned dinner for my birthday night in Kalui's was postponed as we were informed that the restaurant isn't open on Sundays. We surfed the internet for other recommended dining places. By the time we made our revised plans, we were invited by the resort staff to join the their party. It turned out that the resort owner was celebrating his birthday and it was also the resort's 2nd anniversary. What perfect timing for us!

Next Post: Our Dinner at KaLui's Restaurant

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