May 19, 2010

Photo Op: Pueblo Por La Playa

After our lunch in Silangang Nayon, we proceeded to the very colorful resort just a couple of hundred meters away. 

My Spanish boss translated the resort's name and said that  Pueblo por la Playa is Town by the Beach in English. 

It is a Mexican-themed residential and country club nestled on the coast of Pagbilao Bay in Quezon. 

For our "survey", we were first brought to the restaurant. I stepped outside and took a picture of this sight:

view of the hotel and the infinity pool

Next, we were ushered into the receiving area of the resort where the function rooms and 14 hotels rooms were located. We were also greeted by this view:

 picturesque infinity pool

We took a short tour of the building and I found the hotel corridor to be very colorful.

the festive-colored hotel corridor

We also viewed a couple of rooms but my pics aren't nice :(  But before I forget, here are the other shots I took:

view of the beach from the parking lot

Pueblo por la Playa as viewed from Silangang Nayon Restaurant

The resort is strictly for members only (or member-sponsored guests). According to the club and resort manager, a lifetime membership pass can be had for Php 300k.

For more information, click here to view their website.

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