June 18, 2010

Back in Fort Ilocandia

I'm back in Fort Ilocandia Hotel in Laoag in Ilocos Norte to attend to some urgent business matters. We took the Cebu Pacific flight and arrived here at past 9 o'clock last night. Immediately, we met with our host for a quick briefing and some late dinner.

When I woke up this morning, I immediately stepped out onto the veranda to check my surroundings. This time around, I had a view of the pool. 

After breakfast, I ventured out to the part I wasn't able to see the last time I was here.

Fort Ilocandia's lap pool

After our meeting (which extended to a late lunch), I decided against exploring more of the ground and went back to my room as I couldn't stand the heat.

I stayed inside my room, glancing every now and then at the window to catch a glimpse of the sunset skyline. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. It was already 6pm and it was time to head to the airport to catch our flight back to Manila.

But just before checking out, I chanced upon this sight which was but a fitting end to a quick business trip that went well.

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