I could not pass up on the chance to be in UP Los Banos once again... so when HB's football team got an invitation to join the Upsilon Cup about 3 weeks ago, we immediately planned a "family picnic" as I was quite excited to show "the school where mommy and daddy met" to our girly girls. =D
But perhaps the stars conspired and it was just Fiona and I who were able to go.
While HB and his teammates were settling in for the tournament, our mother and daughter tandem drove around the campus and I happily pointed out the various buildings:
the former UP Rural High School building |
UPLB Oblation |
College of Arts and Sciences Building |
UPLB Library |
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Agriculture (SEARCA) Building |
Baker Hall - this was where we had our P.E. classes.
This building dates back to the Japanese era ... lots of ghost stories ;) |
giant acacia tree
(which was infamously called the "fertility tree" during our time, major LOL) |
My daughter gamely posed for me and we cherished our solo time together.
future Iskolar ng Bayan ;) |
my little miss kenkay |
Going around the UP Los Banos campus brought back fun, fun, fun memories of the good and carefree high school and college days. While I noticed that there have been a lot of changes, it all still looked the same (I hope you get my drift ;D).
I am at a loss of words for the feelings evoked by nostalgia... all I can say is that it felt great to be back!
Fiona with UPLB's most beloved tree in the background |
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