March 22, 2012

Photo Op: Puerto del Sol (2008)

With my recent stay at Puerto del Sol, I felt a bit nostalgic and searched my files for the pictures I took in November 2008 when I first stayed in the resort. Even back then, I found the resort to be classy and chic. 

The pool looked so inviting and seemed to beckon us into hurrying with our official duties. 

If only I wasn't here on a business trip, I would have wasted no time and lounged on these by the poolside.

Late that afternoon, we had time to stroll down the coast. The tide had not come in and the water was just ankle deep. The breakwater was a few hundred meters off the shore but the roar of the waves could be heard even with the distance.

A few minutes passed and the horizon was ablaze with the sunset. Nature's way of ending the full day was simply awesome.

It took me three years and three months to go back to this serene place. Click here to read about my latest visit to Puerto del Sol. I vow to myself that the next time I set foot here would be on a leisurely break with my family.

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